77 Flat Icons Bundle
77 Flat Icons Bundle – airplane, ship, briefcase, suitcase, cars, shop, ambulance, water, lifebelt, couch, clock tower, government building, recycle bin, flower, tree, man in suit, eye, heart, brain, head with brain, handshake, thumbs up, hand with smartphone, hand with smartwatch, camera, wristwatch, flash drives, tv remote control, television, gear wheel – settings icon, chandelier, wifi router, typewriter, contact book, open book, newspapers, document, board, test tube, graduation cap, microphone, trumpet, mc cassette, retro megaphone, isometric ashtray, bag of money, dollar banknote, wallet, ribbon label, trophy, target with arrow, table tennis ping pong racket, bowling skittles, sport shoe, dart, american football, football, basketball, dumbbell, hamburger, fried egg, cake, milk carton, ice cream, paper coffee cup, glass of juice, poison bottle, corkscrew, kitchen whisk, fish turner, knife, ladle, meat fork, slotted spoon. Download free vector flat icons bundle as AI and EPS and enjoy 🙂
great bundle, thanks for giving it free 🙂